Author: pimpod

Quiet Space — #103 – How To Empty A Cup

How To Empty A Cup is inspired by the sounds of the Danny Scott Lane’s immediate surroundings: children playing outside of the window, a teachers strike, the bird’s nest above the street sign, crickets in the bush near the parking lot. On this his debut album, the talented photographer applies attention to detail using subtle instrumentation with wind and strings on a release recorded almost entirely in the rain. A wonderful listening experience.

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1/2/3/4 — #115 — Vale Damian Lovelock

We pay tribute to a loveable rascal and incredibly influential artist in Damien Lovelock, who sadly has passed away at the age of 65. He inspired many as the frontperson for the Celibate Rifles and in recent years has entertained many as a football fanatic/ sports broadcaster and writer. Vale Damien. As well, excellent new music from Little Island, Phia and 1/2/3/4 favourite, the UK’s Ralegh Long.

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1/2/3/4 — #114 — The Power of Slumberland

Slumberland are an American record label celebrating thirty years of releasing essential jangly Indie Pop. I’ve collected their vinyl for many years! In 2019 they have created a Singles Subscription series featuring some of their favourite current bands – on this episode we will feature the excellent Wildhoney (pictured), who return after a two year hiatus with a gorgeous chiming sound that is reminiscent of the likes of The Sundays and The Cranberries. Plus a lot more….

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Quiet Space — #101 – Lone Voyager, Lieven Martens Moana

A focus on this edition of one of my favourite artists, Lieven Martens Moanna (formally known as Dolphins Into The Future). He’s also got more pseudonyms than I’ve had hot dinners. His latest release for the Longform Editions imprint is a hypnotic layering of of choral voices – at certain points you hear 11 times the same part overlaid. Thus 11 x 18 singers = 198 singers! That new work is the centrepiece of a mix that shows through various recording techniques how he creates a conceptual form of exotic music that travels beyond the pure description. Amazing. Please discover all his works….

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