Danny Paul Grody is a self taught guitarist who creates hypnotic and gorgeous meditations. He returns with Arc of Day -his first ever with consistent accompaniment, with Guitars, percussion, bass, clarinet & pedal steel guitar in sublime interplay. The melodies at the core of Danny’s songwriting bring to mind his love of West African kora, Takoma style fingerpicking and all things minimal, repetitive & beguiling. Essential.

Track: Hello From Everywhere
Artist: Danny Paul Grody
Release: In Search of Light
Label: Students of Decay
Time: 0:00

Track: Slow Walk
Artist: Danny Paul Grody
Release: Arc of Day
Label: Three Lobed Recordings
Time: 2:05

Track: Only
Artist: Danny Paul Grody
Release: Sketch for Winter VI: Other States
Label: Geographic North
Time: 12:05

Track: Half Memories
Artist: Danny Paul Grody
Release: Furniture Music
Label: Self Released
Time: 15:02

Track: Path to Olema
Artist: Danny Paul Grody
Release: Arc of Day
Label: Three Lobed Recordings
Time: 19:49

Track: You, the Invisible
Artist: Danny Paul Grody
Release: Between Two Worlds
Label: Self Released
Time: 28:11

Track: Route 1
Artist: Danny Paul Grody
Release: Fountain
Label: Self Released
Time: 34:10


Track: Cloudland
Artist: Danny Paul Grody
Release: Sketch for Winter VI: Other States
Label: Geographic North
Time: 39:51

Track: Skylark
Artist: Danny Paul Grody
Release: In Search of Light
Label: Students of Decay
Time: 47:49

Track: California Angelica
Artist: Danny Paul Grody
Release: Arc of Day
Label: Three Lobed Recordings
Time: 54:33

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